Whitehouse Police Department issued the following announcement on Mar 17.
Bike License Registration
It's almost spring and bike season!
Village residents may register their bicycle at the Whitehouse Police Department. You will receive a Bicycle License sticker that you should place on your bicycle. This makes it easier to return the bicycle to its owner, should it become lost or stolen and recovered by police. There is no charge for this service.
When registering your bicycle please provide the following bicycle information:
Bicycle make, model, color, men’s/woman’s/child’s bicycle, and wheel size.
You can email this information directly to our Safety Office Assistant (policerecords@whitehouseoh.gov). Advise us whether you will pick up the registration and license, or if you'd like us to mail those documents to you (please provide a mailing address).
If you need assistance with obtaining the bicycle serial number and/or wheel size-you can call our Records Section (419-877-9191), or email policerecords@whitehouseoh.gov to schedule an appointment. A police employee can assist you in locating and obtaining this information. Please bring your bicycle to the police department for your appointment.
Any questions? Please email policerecords@whitehouseoh.gov
This service is offered as a courtesy of the Whitehouse Police Department.
Original source can be found here.