Anthony Wayne Local School District | Free CCO Credit
Anthony Wayne Local School District | Free CCO Credit
Help Us Paint the Town Purple
April is the Month of the Military Child and communities across the nation gather together to show support for these children and families as well as recognize the unique challenges each military child faces. Anthony Wayne Local Schools is proud to have each of our six buildings be designated as a Purple Star School. We have earned this designation by demonstrating our dedication to supporting our military-connected youth and their families.
We are encouraging the community to Paint the Town Purple in celebration of our Purple Star Generals, the honorable name given to each of AW's military children. This can be done by displaying purple porch lights, purple bows and ribbons on trees and doors, purple wreaths and decorations on homes and businesses, or painting purple messages on windows.
Districtwide Spirit Week
There is an accompanying Spirit Week that we are also encouraging everyone to participate in to show their support.
Monday, April 3 | Armed Forces Day |
Tuesday, April 4 | Stars, Stripes and Symbols Day |
Wednesday, April 5 | Camo Day |
Thursday, April 6 | Purple Up Day |
Original source can be found here.