Whitehouse Student Police Academy | Whitehouse Police Department fb
Whitehouse Student Police Academy | Whitehouse Police Department fb
Registration is NOW OPEN for the Whitehouse Police Department’s Student Police Academy! This free academy is designed for high school students in grades 9th – 12th and will take place on Saturdays - April 15, 22 and 29 - from 9:00 AM to Noon at Whitehouse Village Hall. Students can expect to learn various police skills, tactics and will receive on-the-job experience showcasing what it takes to be a Whitehouse Police Officer. Space is limited, so register today. To sign up, complete the form linked below and return it to the Whitehouse Police Department, School Resource Officer Kessinger or School Resource Officer Johnson.
Paper copies will also be available at the Police Station. https://whitehouseoh.gov/.../WPD-Student-Police-Academy...
Original source can be found here.