Josh Williams | The Ohio House of Representatives
Josh Williams | The Ohio House of Representatives
State Representative Derek Merrin expressed his satisfaction as he announced the passage of House Bill 66 by the Ohio House of Representatives. The bill broadens the definition of “economic loss” in criminal theft cases and allows judges to include accounting and auditing costs incurred by the victim when determining restitution.
“We must ensure theft victims are made financially whole. Criminals should bear the total cost of their crimes,” Representative Merrin emphasized.
The current law only allows crime victims to receive restitution for economic loss directly caused by the crime, excluding other costs such as accounting and auditing fees. Representative Merrin pointed out the additional financial burden placed on businesses and individuals who are victims of internal thefts.
“The bill is a big win for businesses fighting against thefts. By holding criminals fully accountable for their crimes, hopefully it will deter future thefts,” Representative Merrin stated.
The legislation ensures that restitution granted to the victim is reasonable and limited to the value of the stolen or damaged property or services. The bill received strong support in the House, passing with 89 affirmative votes and 3 negative votes, and will now move on to the Ohio Senate for further consideration.