On this day before Thanksgiving, many will be out tonight partaking in celebratory adult beverages. Be sure you have a designated driver, call a friend or utilize a driving service. Don’t Drink and Drive! Unless you prefer spending Thanksgiving with “Bubba” eyeing your bologna sandwich at the county. Bubba was a random name. If you are named Bubba, consider that flattery.
Today is also the busiest day of travel in the U.S. It is estimated that 54.6 MILLION will be traveling to indulge in turkey with family and friends. Remember to remain calm and courteous as you travel to your destinations. We already know that if you’re driving people merge better at a drive-thru than they do on local roads. It’s a holiday, just be patient.
Remember to enjoy the holiday and remain calm no matter the circumstances at the dinner table or gathering. Someone will always snatch up your favorite piece of turkey or get the last dinner roll you were hoping to grab. Nothing is worth a wrestling match. Officers would prefer to be called over for a piece of pumpkin pie, a sandwich, or plate of food. Regardless, we will be there if you need us.
Thank you to our community and followers on this page (near or far). Your input, humor, and support is very appreciated. I would be remiss without thanking the number of Corrections Officers, LCSO support personnel, Deputies, and fellow law enforcement officers that have engaged this page and brought great ideas to the table.
On a side note, I am hoping “Black Friday” will include grocery stores this year. If that’s the case, I’ll be there at 2 A.M. (in line) to get some extra coffee, creamer, and produce.
Emergencies call 911
Non-Emergencies call 419-255-8443
Don't Drink and Drive, Be courteous, Don't take or touch what is not yours, Lock those doors, Use blinkers, Be Roundabout aware, See something - say something, Slow down in school zones
Happy Thanksgiving!
Lt. BC
Keyboard Wiz
Leftover Fan
Original source can be found here.